
What Causes Low Energy in Men?

low energy of men

Causes For Low Energy

Many lifestyle and medical reasons are responsible for low energy. Some are specific to men, or they affect men more frequently than women.

Considering how busy most people’s lives are, a lot of men experience daily fatigue and frustration. Low energy can result from a variety of lifestyle factors, including food, exercise, and sleep habits.

Men can also have poor energy due to medical issues including sleep apnea and insufficient testosterone.

In this post, we’ll examine the potential reasons behind men’s low energy levels as well as strategies for raising them.

Symptoms of Low Energy

A person with low energy may always feel drained and find it difficult to accomplish simple tasks without getting tired or worn out.

Other signs of exhaustion or poor energy include:

  • Feeling drowsy in the day
  • Trouble focusing
  • Absence of motivation

Reasons for Men’s Low Energy

A man may have low energy or persistent exhaustion for several reasons. The causes of a man’s low energy levels are covered in the section below.


People with low energy levels may suffer from inadequate food or nutritional deficiencies. A man’s energy can be increased by eating a balanced diet rich in whole grains, proteins, and vegetables. Fatigue or poor energy might result from eating a diet deficient in calories or vital nutrients.

These deficiencies are more prevalent in younger men who might be heavy lifting or exercising a lot, as well as in older men who may be malnourished or undereating.

Exercise Routines

When people go for extended periods without exercising, they could notice a decline in their energy levels. Exercise raises energy and adrenaline levels.

A lack of exercise over time can weaken the muscles, which makes even simple tasks exhausting.

Excessive exercise might also result in exhaustion. It’s essential to establish the right balance for maximum energy levels.

Low levels of Testosterone

Testosterone is the main hormone for men. It is essential for both physical and mental energy levels. Men’s bodies naturally create less testosterone as they become older.

Male hypogonadism, also known as low testosterone, can lead to sadness, exhaustion, and low energy in males. Sometimes it also affects the sexual performance of men. Although some ED medicines can provide temporary relief. As men age, male hypogonadism increases in frequency.

Signs of insufficient testosterone include:

  • Low stamina
  • Depression
  • Lack of concentration
  • Anemia
  • Hot flushes
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
  • Low hair growth
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Loss of bone mass called osteoporosis

Sleep Apnea

A person with a sleep disorder experiences breathing interruptions while they are asleep. They might stop breathing several times a night for around ten seconds at a time.

Obese adults and men are more likely than women to have sleep apnea. Excessive daytime sleepiness is the primary symptom of sleep apnea. Additional signs and symptoms consist of:

  • Disturbed sleep
  • Excessive snoring
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Anger
  • Depression or anxiety

Sleep apnea is not usually indicated by these symptoms. If sleep apnea is suspected, a person should consult a physician because, if untreated, the disorder can be dangerous.


Sleeplessness (Insomnia) and other sleep disorders can contribute to low energy. Men of any age can experience insomnia, however it is more common in older men.

Insomnia can have a wide range of causes, including psychological, emotional, and physiological ones.


A lot of guys suffer from a medical condition known as depression. Men and women may experience depression symptoms in various ways.

It’s common for men who are depressed to feel extremely tired. They can lose interest in their hobbies, family, or place of employment.

Men who are depressed may have the following symptoms:

  • Sadness and agitation
  • Anger or hostility
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Having trouble focusing
  • Trouble carrying out routine duties
  • ED Problems or Impotence
  • Removing oneself from family and friends

It is less common for males than for women to recognise, discuss, and seek treatment for depression. But to address these feelings, you must talk to a loved one or a doctor and get help.


Iron-deficient Iron deficiency is a frequent nutritional deficiency that manifests as anaemia.

This kind of anaemia is most commonly caused in males by bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, such as from an ulcer or gastritis, however, it can also occur in women.

Thyroid Conditions

Hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism and other vital processes are produced by the thyroid gland. The disorder known as hypothyroidism is brought on by the thyroid gland not making enough of a particular hormone.

Although hypothyroidism affects women far more frequently than it does males of all ages, it can affect anyone.

Thyroid problems can cause symptoms such as:

  • Exhaustion
  • Mental confusion
  • Appetite change
  • Intolerance for cold

Health Conditions

Fatigue can also result from several medical diseases and related circumstances. Those that are most typical are:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac conditions
  • Some Medications

How to Increase Energy in Men

Excessive or insufficient exercise, a poor diet, or prolonged periods of stress can all contribute to low energy levels. People should discover that making little lifestyle adjustments significantly increases their energy levels when these are the underlying causes.

If a man is continuously having these symptoms, he should consult a physician to rule out any underlying medical issues.

The following techniques can frequently be used by people to increase their everyday energy levels:


Excessive consumption of processed, high-fat, or high-sugar foods can lead to weariness and nutritional deficits. It is important for people to constantly check that they are getting the recommended amount of nourishment each day.

Consuming foods high in nutrients and wellness can assist increase energy levels. An abundant supply of healthful energy can be obtained from a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains.


An individual will experience a surge in hormones, such as adrenaline and testosterone, after engaging in physical activity.

Even while exercising has many health benefits, it can be harder to find the enthusiasm to do so when you’re feeling low on energy.

Consider beginning with easy workouts, like going for a stroll, and working your way up from there.

Regular exercise can gradually improve energy levels and reduce weariness. Frequent exercise can also help someone sleep better and obtain more rest.


A lot of people struggle to obtain adequate sleep, especially high-quality sleep. An individual’s energy levels can be significantly increased by devoting more time and effort to obtaining adequate sleep and practising excellent sleep hygiene, such as maintaining a regular bedtime.

The goal should be for people to sleep well for seven to eight hours per night.


Water is essential for the body to stay hydrated. Fatigue and low energy levels can result from dehydration. Men are more likely to become dehydrated than women, especially if they are older or highly active people.

To stay hydrated, try carrying a water bottle and sipping often, particularly during the summer or when exercising.


Men often experience periods of fatigue and low energy, though low energy might interfere with day-to-day activities. There are certain causes of low energy that are exclusive to men or that affect men more frequently.

Men can frequently increase their energy levels by adopting little lifestyle adjustments, like altering their eating, sleeping, or exercise routines. Men should see a doctor if these adjustments are ineffective to rule out more significant issues.

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